How to Make Shower Bombs that Will Wake You Up Fast

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While our easy lavender bath bombs are completely lush I’m not a regular soak in the bath kinda gal, and I got to thinking about what an amazing wake up call it would be to have a shot of peppermint in my shower! So I tinkered around with the recipe a bit to figure out how to make shower bombs (or shower fizzles) that smell amazing and are also good for clearing your head in the morning!

How to Make Shower Bombs

DIY Shower Fizzies Supplies

DIY Shower Bomb Directions

Short version

  1. Bath Bomb Mold SetBath Bomb Mold SetPut the baking soda and citric acid into a bowl.
  2. Put the water and essential oils into a spray bottle.
  3. Spray the dry ingredients with the water/oil mixture and mix with a spoon until it starts to combine.
  4. Form balls with your hands and then the bath mould.
  5. Then set aside to dry for 12-24 hours.
  6. Store your shower bombs in a glass jar away from direct sunlight and use them within three months.

Long version

There’s no need to use coconut oil in this recipe since it’s just going to be giving off a scent rather than moisturising your skin. So we use water to bind the dry ingredients together.

There is a lesson to be learned here so read this bit carefully.

You need to add the water a LITTLE bit at a time.

Like even a TINY bit at a time.

It’s like making glace icing for cakes. You know how you add the water to the icing sugar and it doesn’t seem to be turning into anything resembling icing so you keep adding more and more water until suddenly it’s so runny you can’t possibly use it to ice your cake?

You run the same risk here!

I started out just misting the water on with a spray bottle but it didn’t seem to be mixing together so I took the lid off and poured the water into the bowl. Of course by doing that I missed the “magic moment” when the mixture went from being too dry to being too wet. Only it’s not really noticeable.

So I went about shaping the mixture into balls and laying them out on a plastic board ready for drying. And when I got to the last one I noticed they’d all started to lose their shape a little. Sort of like snowballs left out in the sun…

Then I put them aside to dry and when I came back I just had a purple splat left. And now I know what happened to Frosty the Snowman!


I figured I’d just have shower bark instead of shower bombs so I broke a piece off and dropped it in the bottom of the shower.

Nah. Didn’t really work. It was just so thin that it melted away before that peppermint scent had a chance to rise up and wake me up!

Not to worry, I threw a piece down the toilet and it worked out much better as a toilet fizzy!

So the moral of the story is… add the water a LITTLE bit at a time and stir, stir, stir before you add a LITTLE bit more. Use a spray bottle so you can’t go crazy.
Bath Bomb Mold SetBath Bomb Mold Set
Then every now and then use your hands to see if you can get the mixture to stick together. The point at which it is ready to mould into balls is when it sort of sticks together but is still a bit powdery.

Think “damp sand”.

When you get to that “magic moment” you can grab some of the mixture and form a ball with your hands first and then use the bath bomb mould to pack it into a tighter ball.

[Of course you don’t have to use a bath bomb mold. But they do look a lot prettier once they’ve been moulded, which is important if you’re going to give them to someone as a Christmas gift!]

Then set aside to dry for 12-24 hours.

Store your shower bombs in a glass jar away from direct sunlight and use them within three months.

This is what your DIY Shower Fizzies should look like!

How to Use Your Shower Bomb

To use your Shower Bombs just drop one into the bottom of the shower, it will fizz away giving off a fabulous peppermint smell to kick start your day!

More Essential Oil Options

You can use any combination of essential oils you like in your shower bombs. Try one of these instead of the Peppermint.

  • For a relaxing shower at the end of the day add 30 drops of Lavender oil to your recipe
  • To help your nose during sniffle season add 10 drops each of Lavender, Lemon and Peppermint

All of these oils come in the Premium Starter Kit so making shower bombs a great way to start getting to know your your oils.

Or you could host a Make and Take for your friends to introduce them to the oils too!

Oh these shower fizzies are super easy - perfect for a Make and Take!

These shower bombs are perfect for waking up in the morning!

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