Nativity Craft Ideas {Activities your preschoolers will love!}

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From stained glass windows to DIY nativity sets, these Nativity craft ideas are perfect for preschoolers!
Nativity Craft Ideas

Christmas is fast approaching and I really wanted to add in some seasonal preschool ideas.

It seemed like the perfect time to have some activities based around the Nativity, so this week we have:

  • Nativity craft ideas for kids
  • ideas for DIY Nativity sets
  • sensory play ideas and
  • nativity themed snacks
Nativity Crafts for Kids to Make

Nativity Craft Ideas

Crafts are a brilliant way for your child to develop their fine motor skills as well as embrace their creativity.

This week your little one will make so many wonderful keepsake Nativity crafts for preschoolers that can be used to decorate the house for Christmas, hang on the tree or give as a gift to Daddy or Grandma.

Love this clothespin nativity scene

Clothespin Manger Nativity Scene Christmas Craft – If you don’t have a nativity scene yet why not make one with your children.
This clothes peg craft is pretty simple and will be something your family can treasure for years to come.
What a beautiful stained glass window of the nativity scene!
Stained Glass Nativity – This stained glass window is just beautiful, it uses contact paper and is just perfect to hang in the window.
A beautiful painted nativity scene for the kids to make

How to Make a Nativity Silhouette – Here’s another twist on the Nativity silhouette, but this time the background is painted and looks quite beautiful.

My toddler will LOVE this manger craft!

Jesus in a Manger – This manger craft is simple enough for the younger tots to make with some popsicle sticks and will make a lovely Tree decoration.

My kids might need a little help but we are definitely making this nativity ornament!

Nativity Ornament Tutorial – This “Unto Us is Born” baby jesus ornament looks amazing and would make the perfect gifts for teachers or neighbours this holiday season.

They actually look like they’ve come from a very expensive store, no one would guess the kiddos had made them! This is a craft that mom will enjoy making too!

Ha! Love it - the three kings made out of toilet paper rolls!

3 Kings – Because you can’t have a nativity without the three kings right? So grab those empty toilet paper tubes from the recyling box and have fun turning them into wise men!

Nativity sets for kids

Small World Play, or Pretend Play is a wonderful way for your child to explore and comprehend the world around them.

At Christmas you might have a Nativity set which is perfect for small world play, unless of course, it’s a family heirloom and you don’t want to risk it getting broken.

But don’t worry because we’ve found some wonderful ideas for making your own nativity set with your child!

Oh wow these are just beautiful - I'm off to buy some felt!
We LOVE story stones and this nativity set is BEAUTIFUL

Here are some fabulous ideas for DIY nativity sets for kids:

Felt Nativity Set Pattern Free Download – This Nativity set is made entirely from felt, for a different small world play experience.

Nativity Set with Story Stones – Story stones are a wonderful way for children to interact with stories and these Nativity story stones are just beautiful.
What a great way to learn the nativity story - with stones!

The Nativity – Here’s an idea for a Nativity the children can craft themselves, and some story pebbles which are slightly different to the ones I just mentioned.

Oh this paper doll nativity set will keep the kids quiet!

FREE Paper Doll Printables – The Nativity – Oh this printable nativity set is so stinking adorable! Print the paper dolls out on magnet sheets and use a cookie tray to play on.

What a GREAT idea - a story cube of the Nativity!

You could even print this free printable nativity set out on cardboard and hang them on the tree, or use them as gift tags!

Nativity Story Cube – Here’s another way to tell the Nativity story this Christmas time, with a story cube.

The kids will go CRAZY when they see this! A Nativity scene built out of LEGO. GENIUS!

You can either print out one that’s all in colour, or a black and white version that your child can colour in before they play.
Nativity Scene – Made with LEGO – If your little ones are big fans of LEGO they will have a blast building the Nativity Scene using their favourite bricks!

Nativity Crafts for Preschoolers

Nativity sensory tubs

Sensory tubs are a brilliant way to encourage learning through invitation to play. Little ones can explore their senses as well as practicing pouring and measuring, counting and patterning.

  1. Nativity Sensory Bin – I love this sensory bin, right down to the craft stick manger!
  2. Nativity Box – Here’s another great idea for a Nativity sensory box, I’ve been inspired by the additions of silk and muslin cloth.

Putting on a Nativity play

For encouraging gross motor skills this week why not mix it up with some dramatic play, and have your children act out the Nativity story.

It would be a wonderful show for them to put on at Christmas with all the family watching!

First up you need a Nativity Play Script, and if you have room you might also want to set up a dramatic play area with props.

Then you need some costumes like these for the shepherds and wise men, the angel and the sheep, and of course, Mary and Joseph.

Nativity printables

To help develop numeracy and literacy skills you can use one of the many free printable packs that are shared by other mums. Here are some Nativity printables:

  1. Nativity UNO
  2. Free Nativity PreKK Printable Pack (Limited Time)
  3. 12 Days of Christmas ~ Free Nativity Printables
  4. Nativity Puppets
  5. Free Advent Colouring Book plus 100’s of Advent Colouring Pages
  6. Printable Christmas Song Cards Game for Kids
  7. FREE Printable Christmas Nativity

Nativity snacks

All this learning is enough to make anyone hungry, so why not fix one of these tasty Nativity themed snacks to enjoy together:

  1. Nativity Snack – How’s this for the perfect Nativity snack, I love the star made from cheese!
  2. Jelly Baby Jesus Cakes – Or these little “Baby Jesus sleeping in the hay” cakes that the kids can have fun making!
  3. Simple Nativity Snack – This snack is so simple even the youngest toddlers will have fun getting involved.
  4. Gingerbread Nativity – For the most amazing Nativity snack spend an afternoon building this Nativity scene and then eat it all up!
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All the kids are going to love making these nativity crafts and they're so lovely we'll be getting them out next Christmas too!

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