How to Use a Journal for Your New Years’ Resolutions

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Write your New Year’s Resolutions in your journal and you’ll be more likely to stick to them. In fact you should have a journal just for your resolutions!

New Year's Resolutions aren't silly - find out how you can use your journal to come up with them and then track your progress so you can be successful

Why you should journal your New Year’s Resolutions

Do you take the time to come up with some New Years’ Resolutions? Or do you think it’s just something silly that people do at the start of the year?

We all have things that we want to do and making resolutions is a great way to narrow down your focus to one or two main goals.

They don’t have to be miraculous and life changing (though they can be), but why not take advantage of the new year with a fresh start?

Maybe you want to lose weight this year, give up soda, start doing yoga, or stop a bad habit like biting your nails.

You must have at least one goal you want to smash this coming year!

When it comes to creating your New Years’ Resolutions using a journal is one of the best tools at your disposal.

It not only helps you decide on the resolutions, but you can also track your progress along the way.

How to journal your resolutions

What do you want to accomplish this year?

Grab your journal and start by writing down everything you would like to accomplish this year.

This might end up being a long list, which is totally fine.

You are just starting with any idea you have in your head before you make your final decisions.

Think of big things and small things, even if you don’t know that they will end up being a resolution.

Think about your bad habits, something you want to implement, a goal you want to achieve, healthier lifestyle habits you’d like to keep, a change in your routine, a place you want to visit, or a problem you want to solve.

What were you lacking last year?

To add to your list of possibilities, write down anything you feel like you lacked or fell behind in the previous year.

This can help you figure out where you want your focus to be. Maybe you struggled with your finances this past year, or you want to look for a new job opportunity or work on your business more.

Flesh out those ideas

Now work through your list and highlight or make a check next to anything that really speaks to you. Or then things you believe would make a positive impact in your life.

Consider something you can do for the entire year that will help to make you happy or healthier, or just change your life in a positive way.

Narrow the list down to one or two

From this list, choose just one or two resolutions for the year.

That doesn’t mean you won’t accomplish anything else, but you want just one or two main things to focus on.

If you try to focus on all of the things at once you’ll end up not managing to focus on any of the things.

It’s true right?

Track your progress in your journal

Once you’ve chosen your resolutions take some time to map out how you will achieve them.

Maybe you want to read 50 books this year, or lose 20 pounds.

Break that big goal down into smaller chunks so that you can work on it each and every week.

You might also find it helpful to join a Facebook group or take part in a challenge on Instagram so that you can support and be supported by other people.

Then use your journal to track your progress.

Better still use a journal that’s specific to your resolution (like this food and exercise diary or this reading journal) so your progress doesn’t get all muddled up with your other entries.

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