Chore Charts for Kids {they work like magic!}

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These chore charts for families are kid approved and a great way for everyone to see who is in charge of which household tasks.

These chore charts for kids might finally get the children to help around the house!

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Chore Charts for Kids

These kid approved chore charts are just what you need to get the house in order! We have collected up some great ideas including free printable chore charts for kids as well as simple DIY projects you can make this weekend.

1. Chore Chart for Mommy’s Little Helper

Household Chore Charts | Free Printable Charts for Children | Kid
“Dustyn has become a huge helper lately. He has been asking to do chores to earn a little extra cash for toys and games that he wants. I decided to make a chore chart printable for mommy’s little helper. Here is what his chore chart looks like.” – Hope & Whimsy

2. Starter’s Guide to Toddler Chores

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“Despite what you might think, toddlers love chores. They love being part of the family and more than anything, they love being independent. The toddler age is the perfect age to foster that independence and help them develop important life skills associated with toddler chores.” – Lemon Lime Adventures

3. Activites for Kids: How to Make a Chore Chart

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“Two things we have been focusing on with our kids is to be polite and more responsible. To help, I created a fun chore chart that will encourage good behavior with a reward. The chart is a perfect activity for kids since they are able to add a sticker or check mark when a chore is completed. Plus its easy to make and I’ve included a free Chore Chart printable.” – Crystal & Co

If you’re stressed about keeping your home organised check out our tutorial on how to make a digital home management binder!

4. Montessori ~ Practical Life (Free Printable Chore Chart)

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“Today I’ll be sharing our Toddler Practical life skills, but don’t worry if you don’t have a toddler I have information and tips for your older children too.” – Natural Beach Living

5. Free Chore Chart – Heavy Work to Focus and Calm Kids

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“This list of chores isn’t meant to be done all at once, or even in one day. I have gathered as many examples of chores that provide “heavy work” to give you and your child options. The key is to remember that not all children are the same, and therefore will react differently to each activity. You will want to take the first few weeks introducing each chore and making sure your child is both developmentally ready and willing to complete the tasks.” – Lemon Lime Adventures

6. Kids Chores – Printable Blank Kids Chore Chart

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“Do your chores look overwhelming? Now, you need to learn to delegate. Today we are going to set up some chores for our kids to do. No matter the age, your kids can do chores! This handy little chart tells you the types of things kids should be able to do at each age. ” – 3 Boys and a Dog

7. DIY Cookie Sheet Chore Charts

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“The day has finally come! My boys are getting old enough to start doing real chores and helping around the house. Hallelujah! I’ll take whatever help I can get these days. ha! Although I have to say now that we’ve had chore charts, I’m kinda thinking its more work getting them to do their chores than it would be if I actually did them myself….just saying. ” – Craftaholics Anonymous

8. Make a Post-It Note Chore Chart (With Free Printables!)

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“With kids ranging from elementary school through high school, I needed something that could accommodate all ages of kids and work for our family.” – Tatertots and Jello

9. Respect, Responsibility, Right Choices DIY Chore & Behavior System with Free Printables!

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“We’re a week into using this system and it’s crazy how much it’s changed our daily routine and the attitudes around the house. I have more help than I can handle (even without being asked now too…they’re volunteering to help with all kinds of chores…even things that don’t earn tickets! What?!), less yelling from all of us, and the house is much cleaner. I don’t know what took me so long to do this! Now instead of sheer chaos it’s more like organized chaos.” – By Dawn Nicole

10. The Picture Chore Chart Tutorial

Household Chore Charts | Free Printable Charts for Children | Kid
“Here is the tutorial for the awesome chore chart that I had as a young girl. I’m just so in-love with the late 70’s/early 80’s artwork! It makes me feel nostalgic every time I look at it! Of course, we’ve included a page of blank cards for you to personalize it and add your own chores! (A big shout-out to my sister who really helped me with this project and prodded me to stop procrastinating and get it done!)” – Heather Haupt

11. Kid’s Chore Chart Free Printable

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“I’d like to introduce a new idea to help organize your home: the Interactive Kid’s Chore Chart! I was previously using a handwritten chore chart, but I kept forgetting to pay my kids for their chores, and they would forget to write down when they completed one. I needed something more visual for everyone, and got this wonderful idea from a woman at my local homeschool mom’s night this month!” – Confessions of a Homeschooler

12. Chore Jar

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“I was inspired to make these color coded chore sticks by my childhood babysitter. With my mom being single and working full time we spent a lot of time over at the babysitter’s house in the summer time. Every morning she would ask her kids to pull some sticks from a jar and they were required to finish their chores before going out to play. She never required me to pull sticks, but for some reason I always thought it was fun and mysterious to see what I would get. I think these sticks could make chore-time fun and into some sort of game. And when it comes to chores anything helps.” – Whatever Dee Wants

13. Family Chore Station with Free Prints

Household Chore Charts | Free Printable Charts for Children | Kid
“These prints are great because there are over 96 options for chores and 13 different color combinations for the tags and Chore Chart. You can mix and match or print one out per child. I laminated all pages of my tags so that as my son got older I could cut out the ones that applied to him and replace them with the ones we didn’t use as much anymore.” – Dimple Prints

14. The Chic Site

Household Chore Charts | Free Printable Charts for Children | Kid
“We have everyday chores (setting and clearing the table, helping to load the dishwasher) and we have Saturday chores (refilling the toilet paper in the bathrooms). These aren’t chores they get paid for… these are chores they do because they’re part of our family and we all help out. Recently though, they’ve latched onto the idea of earning and saving money and so I wanted to come up with a special way to encourage that. After all, mommy has owned her own company for 10 years and I love the idea of young entrepreneurship!” – The Chic Site

15. Chore Card Template

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“Even though it is summer, my kids are still expected to do their daily chores. We are not perfect at it all the time, but it helps me to feel organized and keep the house clean with the kids home during the day. My kids are getting older and are pretty good about understanding what is expected of them. It doesn’t mean chore time always runs smoothly…because…let’s face it…they are kids! But I came up with a Chore Card Template that seems to be helping.” – The Idea Room

16. Free Printable Kid’s Chore, Reading & Kindness Reward Punch Cards

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“I decided on my designs and I think that they came out really cute! I then printed them out on card stock and cut them out. Each sheet will have three of each of the designs on it. The kids are going to be using these here from now on and I hope they help to motivate them to get their work done and reach their rewards. Just click the link below and you can print off your own set.” – My Sweet Sanity

17. Free Printable Chore Chart for Preschoolers

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“She gets a kick out of completing a chore and marking it off each day and it has cut down on the back and forth that tends to happen around here in the morning (bonus!) ” – Tiny Sidekick

18. Over The Big Moon Little Kid Chore Charts (Ages 2-4)

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“Being that these are meant for kids that are ages 2-4, majority of what is on the completed Little Kid Chore Charts are practical skills that young kids need to perfect. I also like to have a skill or two that they can do from start to finish without any help on there! ” – Over the Big Moon

19. FREE Kids Chore Chart Printable

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“The main goal is to teach kids responsibility while motivating them and keeping a system that is fun and simple to use! Since my children have been using the Jewel Method for a while now, we decided to add in this chore chart that will help them know what is expected of them a little more clear and help spell out a weekly plan for them and me! All while ensuring the house stays in order and my children are continuing to learn responsibility.” – Simply Designing

20. Simple Chore Chart and Household Management

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“I begin holding my children accountable for chores around age 3. This is about the time when they are constantly asking to help and think it is really exciting to have the opportunity. Capitalize on that and find fun ways for your child to be involved.” – Not Consumed

21. FREE Preschool Chore Charts

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“Younger children can have a hard time reading from a chore list. Picture cards can be a huge help at the preschool age so kids can see what needs to be done each day – and actually work on their daily chores (grins). Our kids have learned personal and financial responsibility in the process as they are taught how to save, give, and put money in their wallet for spending too!” – Homeschool Creations

22. Free Rotating Chore Chart and Chore Checklist for Kids

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“Now my kids are older they need a checklist so they don’t forget all the things that are expected of them when they do their “deep cleaning jobs”. That’s what we call them in our family. They are done once a week (on Monday). Then the rest of the week they are in charge of “tidying up” the room they are assigned to.” – Tips from a Typical Mom

23. Creating a Chore Chart That Works for YOUR Child

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“When our kids were younger, we just did a ticket system and did not have a formal chore chart. However, now that they are all older, it is easier to have all three of them follow the same system. What we are trying to teach them more than anything is that you have to work to earn money. Not only that, but if you do the wrong thing, you may have to pay money to others.” – Penny Pinchin Mom

24. How to Get Your Kids to Do Their Chores Well

Household Chore Charts | Free Printable Charts for Children | Kid
“The idea is simple. Using my original chore chart, children complete their chores in zones. Once they have their zone finished for the day, the challenge begins. We can play one of two ways: mom’s pick or peer judge. Both are pretty effective.” – Not Consumed

25. FREE Printable Chore Charts for Kids + Ideas by Age

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“I also have a FREE Printable Blank Chore Chart you can use! You can fill in Age Appropriate Chores for you kids. I thought about making customized Chore Charts. Let me know if you’d rather have those but I thought that personally I prefer being able to customize things like this for my specific kids and the things that work best for our family!” – Passion For Savings

26. Printable Ten Minute Tidy Charts

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“If your kids need a little motivation to keep things tidy, I hope these lists are just what you are looking for.” – One Creative Mommy

27. Responsibility and Chore Chart for Kids with Printable Chore Chart

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“Some chores are paid chores that are to be done every day. We believe in paying our kids for work well done. Daddy goes to work and earns a paycheck that we then budget into categories. By teaching our children that they do work to earn money at an early age they will not be shocked later when they learn this cause and effect relationship.” – Coupons Are Great

28. Simple Chore System

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“Do you have a good chore system that you use at your house? I’ve struggled to find a good one that works well at our house. I’ve shared this chore chart and this chore chart in the past, and they would work for a few of weeks, and then they would kind of die off. So, when summer started, and I came up with our summer schedule, I was really looking for a way to simplify the chore system. This is what I came up with, and so far, it seems to be working.” – The Happy Scraps

29. Simple Chore Chart for Kids

Household Chore Charts | Free Printable Charts for Children | Kid
“I’m sharing this super simple chore chart for kids. My sister was looking for a way to organize the morning for her twins, and she suggested this simple format. I love it! Once the kids finish a task, they get to move the job to the “done” side of the board. It doesn’t get much easier than that!” – One Creative Mommy

30. Printable Kids Chore Chart

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“My Sophie is four now, and it’s taken me this long to realize that a chore chart would be a mighty fine method of teaching helpfulness around here! She’s very good about asking to be excused, and immediately taking her plate to the kitchen sink, but she definitely needs some help in other areas… it’s pretty common for her to leave rooms looking like tornados rolled right through. I was thinking to myself, “gosh, how am I going to really teach her to be responsible for her cleanliness?” and thought of the age-old chore chart concept, and made it my own.” – The Chirping Moms

31. Improve Your Family Life with a Basic Chore Chart {Free Printable}

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“One of my biggest hold ups in implementing a chore chart in our home has always been this idea of rewards. Why should I reward my child for doing what they should be doing anyway? I believe that children should be responsible members of our family, and that means helping to take care of our home. So, why reward them for helping, when I expect, and need, them to help?” – What’s Up Fagans?

32. 4 Sure-Fire Ways to Make Chores Fun with the Best Toys

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“Never be afraid to mix it up! If a child is performing well, give them a new task to try. Praise their accomplishments, whether through monetary rewards or verbal praise. Kids want to help and please. I often will let my younger kids help with older chores, knowing they cannot accomplish them fully but because they want to be like me. They want my approval that they are helping satisfy a need, and I love that! We are raising our future and if I can break the Chore cycle and make it fun I will! One of my favorite quotes is:” – The Realistic Mama

33. Freebie Friday: My Weekly Chores Chart

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“This editable PDF is easy to update each week if you’d like a little variety (I do) and will work great for any age. I wonder if I put “nap” on this chart, if she’ll suddenly start taking one again?” – Today’s Mama

34. Free Personalized Printable Chore Chart Template

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“With a ton of spring cleaning going on I decided to make the kids their own spring themed chore chart! I wanted to share it with you but after realizing that parents like to have their children do things that they are capable of rather than the general list I asked my lovely husband to make this a custom chore chart template so that I could share it with you!” – Powerful Mothering

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