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Monthly Bullet Journal Ideas
Over in our how-to bullet journal guide, we talk about how your monthly log can help you see your month at a glance. It’s pretty useful so today we have some monthly bullet journal ideas to inspire you!
When you’re designing your own monthly spread keep in mind that it is helpful to use two pages.
You could use both pages for the monthly calendar, writing appointments and events on each day of the calendar, and leaving just a small area for additional notes on the side.
Or you could have the left page of the spread be the monthly calendar, while the right side includes lists of birthdays, appointments, events, and other notes.
Or you could draw out your calendar squares across the upper half of both pages leaving space underneath for your notes.
Don’t forget that the best bit about your bullet journal is that there is no right way to do anything, only the way that works best for you. So pick out the layouts you like and copy them, or mix and match elements from two or three spreads to find the ultimate monthly spread to keep you organized!
If you need help with other areas of your bujo don’t miss our massive collection of 190+ Bullet Journal Ideas for all areas of your life!
1 | Rainbow Calendar Style Monthly Log

Here’s an example of a calendar that spans both pages with room down the right-hand side for monthly to-dos. I really love the rainbow effect from shading in the date boxes.
2 | Cover Page and Monthly Calendar

In this example, the monthly calendar boxes are just on the right hand side of the spread, with room underneath for notes. The left-hand side is being used for the cover page.
3 | Floral Monthly Spread

Wow! How striking is this! The page has been painted black and then a white pen used to draw out a calendar that straddles both pages. As well as there being room on the right for notes there is also room on the left for a pretty floral illustration.
4 | Space Theme Monthly

Here’s another example of how the monthly cover page and theme can be tied into your calendar spread. This time the page has been turned landscape and boxes added down the left of the calendar for dates, notes and goals.
5 | Pretty Floral Calendar

Here’s another floral theme monthly spread, this time the calendar has room underneath for important dates.The cover on the left is a side flap, so there is room underneath for more notes and dates.
6 | Monthly Log and Gratitude

In this spread the calendar is on the left with room above for a nice hand-lettered month heading and space below for a doodle and notes section. On the right side of the spread is space for a gratitude journal.
7 | Monthly Log with Sidebar

Here’s how you can combine the side flap cover with a calendar that fits across two pages. The right sidebar is being used for goals, media and notes.
8 | Monthly with Doodle

This pretty spread uses wonderful hand lettering and highlighting. The grid is very similar to the rainbow one that we started with. There’s room in the sidebar for the month in calligraphy, a to-do list, and a doodle to tie in with the yellow theme.
9 | Monthly Overview

Here’s an example of a smaller monthly overview which is perfect if you find you end up writing upcoming events in your weekly instead. The room underneath has been set aside for goals and notes.
10 | Scrapbook Style Monthly

If you like the scrapbook, mixed-media style of bullet journal spreads you should check this one out. This two-page spread crams in a lot including the monthly calendar square on the left, with a pretty header to double up as a cover page. On the right, there’s room for reminders and a thermometer-style savings tracker as well as some illustrations and a motivational quote.