Pregnancy Affirmations to Keep You Calm and Centered

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You are powerful. You trust your body. Pregnancy can be one of the most stressful times of your life so use these pregnancy affirmations to keep you calm and centered.

Pregnancy affirmations

How Using Pregnancy Affirmations Can Keep You Centered

If you feel like you’ve turned into a nervous wreck ever since you saw the words POSITIVE printed on a stick you don’t need to worry. You are not the first mother to be (and you won’t be the last either) to feel this way.

The good news is that you don’t have to be a ball of worry all through your pregnancy and labor. Instead you can harness the power of these pregnancy affirmations to remind yourself that you are strong, and you got this!

Printable Pregnancy and Birth Affirmation Cards

Pregnancy Affirmation Cards for Birthing – Printed

Birth Affirmation Cards – Digital Download

Birth Affirmations For Labour – Digital Download

Pregnancy & Birth Affirmation Cards – 16 Printed Cards with Envelopes

Positive Pregnancy & Optimum Birth Affirmation Cards – Printed

Color Me Birth Affirmation Banner – Digital Download

Watercolor Birth Affirmation Banner – Digital Download

14 Printable Birth Affirmation Cards

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