Random Acts of Kindness for the Holidays

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Have you ever heard of a random act of kindness or RAOK if you’re into text speak?

It’s a little something you do for someone else, a friend or family member, or even a complete stranger, to put a little bit of happiness in their day.

Sometimes it’s the little things that make a big difference right?

So I was thinking. If we wanted a family tradition for the Holiday Season that meant we did something every day, why not make it count? Instead of having a creepy elf wreak havoc in my house why not sprinkle a little Goodwill around our neighbourhood.

Some RAOK Ideas for Your Family

Here’s some ideas to inspire you. And of course if you have some ideas of your own I’d love for you to share them in the comments.

  1. Leave a thank you card for your postman
  2. Pick up litter at the park
  3. Bake chocolate brownies and take them to your local fire or ambulance station
  4. Offer your seat to someone on the bus
  5. Buy a copy of your favourite book and give it to a friend
  6. Send someone you love a box full of hearts
  7. Collect up unwanted clothes and toys and donate them to charity
  8. Hang a candy cane on all the front doors in your street
  9. Send a care package to a soldier
  10. Create a kindness corner in your home or school
  11. Take some pet food along to the local animal shelter
  12. Rake leaves or shovel snow for an elderly neighbour
  13. Make a gift for your teacher
  14. Bake cookies for mum or dad’s coworkers to enjoy
  15. Leave a large tip for your waiter or waitress
  16. Adopt a soldier
  17. Find a handful of books you don’t read anymore and leave them around your neighbourhood for others to enjoy
  18. Give a coupon to someone else in the store
  19. Pay the toll for the driver behind you
  20. Donate your pocket money to charity
  21. Find a charity car wash event and have the car washed
  22. Write a letter to an elderly relative or friend
  23. Pop a store gift card in an envelope and leave it in a basket at the store for someone to find
  24. Fulfil an Angel Tree request
  25. Kind bomb the library
  26. Paint a picture and take it to the local nursing home
  27. Create some thank you cards and hand them out during your day
  28. Leave some crayons and a colouring book in the waiting room at the doctor’s
  29. Leave a penny in the street for someone to find
  30. Make a love message board and leave messages for your family
  31. Donate food to your local food bank or soup kitchen
  32. Buy popcorn for the person in line behind you at the movies
  33. Compliment five people to make them feel good
  34. Give a friend a hug
  35. Send a Happy Day package to a cousin who lives far away
  36. Recycle something in your home into a gift
  37. If you spend time in hospital then write thank you cards for your doctors and nurses

21 thoughts on “Random Acts of Kindness for the Holidays”

  1. Wonderful idea. I never did understand the elf and we don’t do it. We have an advent calendar as that is what I grew up with.

    I do like the idea of a kind act every day–that should be how we always live, right? Sometimes though we need a reminder. Having a specific focus on random acts of kindness with the kindness kiddos (cute!) will make for a very nice holiday season.

  2. OMG, I LOVE this post. I’m an Elf on the Shelf hater. There, I said it. I’m so grateful that you came up with an alternative. I’d much rather see my facebook full of kind deeds done by children that marshmallows in a toilet and flour on the counter because the “elf” left it there. I found you on Motivation Monday.

  3. OMG, I LOVE this post. I’m an Elf on the Shelf hater. There, I said it. I’m so grateful that you came up with an alternative. I’d much rather see my facebook full of kind deeds done by children that marshmallows in a toilet and flour on the counter because the “elf” left it there. I found you on Motivation Monday.

  4. It’s funny how you describe the elf on the shelf–I have several from my childhood that are antiques, so my kids have never been able to touch them nor do they perform throughout the season– they ARE creepy looking and they remain high on a shelf in the same spot all season long.– I think I’m the meanest mom ever every time I see all those elf on the shelf ideas 🙁

    Your kindness idea is more my style 🙂

  5. It’s funny how you describe the elf on the shelf–I have several from my childhood that are antiques, so my kids have never been able to touch them nor do they perform throughout the season– they ARE creepy looking and they remain high on a shelf in the same spot all season long.– I think I’m the meanest mom ever every time I see all those elf on the shelf ideas 🙁

    Your kindness idea is more my style 🙂

  6. Love this idea! Thanks so much for linking up at Mom’s Library this week. I’ll be featuring you at Meaningful Mama. I hope you’ll be joining us again this week.

  7. Love this idea! Thanks so much for linking up at Mom’s Library this week. I’ll be featuring you at Meaningful Mama. I hope you’ll be joining us again this week.

  8. Thank you for linking up to our #ElfEscapades linky, my first Elf has arrived, but he is very cute and cuddly! And I can touch him! Mummy has adapted the idea for me, and I love him! I love your idea too x

  9. Thank you for linking up to our #ElfEscapades linky, my first Elf has arrived, but he is very cute and cuddly! And I can touch him! Mummy has adapted the idea for me, and I love him! I love your idea too x

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