Track These Four Healthy Habits with Your Free Habit Tracker Printable

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You can track anything you want to change with your free habit tracker printable. We’ve got four healthy habits to get you started. Simple ideas that will have a big impact on your wellbeing.

You can track anything you want to change with your free habit tracker printable. We've got four healthy habits to get you started. Simple ideas that will have a big impact on your wellbeing.

Healthy Habits

Habits are such an important part of self care, because they encourage you to focus on positive lifestyle habits.

While goals are big, habits are usually small, and when focused on properly they become second nature, so you should be looking to introduce new habits into your life regularly.

When thinking about new habits to tackle be sure to think about what you’re trying to achieve and then think of something small that you can start doing right away to make that goal or dream a reality.

Perhaps you want to eat more healthily, in which case you might decide to make eating a healthy breakfast a new habit. So that you don’t start the day with that sugared donut you always pick up on the way to work.

If self care is your goal then here are four healthy habits that you might want to add into your day.

Wake up early to exercise

Wake Up Early to Exercise

Exercise is a pretty important part of looking after yourself. Not just physically but mentally too.

If you are having trouble fitting in exercise into your busy schedule, try adding it early in the morning.

Yes, waking up earlier is going to be an adjustment, but you will appreciate it for the rest of the day.

You can get your workout done and out of the way early in the morning. And it will boost your energy, and make you feel happier and more confident.

Get more fresh air

Get More Fresh Air

Some researchers at the University of Michigan carried out a novel study where they asked 36 urban dwellers to have a nature experience for 10 minutes three times a week.

The nature experience being spending time in the fresh air somewhere that they had contact with nature.

Their study showed that the participants felt less stressed.

So try to make a point of getting outside somewhere green every day.

You might want to take your dog for a walk rather than just letting them out in the yard.

Or take your lunch to a nearby park instead of eating it at your desk.

You even could take your kids for a hike on the weekends.

Just make it a habit to get out in the fresh air every day.

Eat your meals mindfully

Eat Your Meals Mindfully

If you’re having trouble sticking to a healthier diet start looking at HOW you eat rather than WHAT you are eating.

Eating mindfully means giving your food your undivided attention.

Set your phone or your tablet aside and don’t watch television.

Rather than just mindlessly consuming food you’ll become more aware of the tastes and smells of the food.

You’ll enjoy the experience more, and you’ll start to pay closer attention to your body’s need for food so you won’t eat so much.

For more information on mindful eating and how it works take a look at this book or this one.

Get enough sleep

Get Enough Sleep

This is a habit so many of us neglect, assuming it’s not important.

But sleep is much more than just not feeling tired the next day.

Sleep is absolutely essential for your health and wellbeing.

It is needed to reduce stress, to help you feel energized, to have proper focus and concentration, to manage your weight and physical health, to keep your cardiovascular health in check…

This list could go on and on but I think you get the message!

If you can only start one new habit, it should be a better sleep routine so that you are getting better quality sleep.

You can track anything you want to change with your free habit tracker printable. We've got four healthy habits to get you started. Simple ideas that will have a big impact on your wellbeing.

Free Habit Tracker Printable

Now you have some ideas of healthy habits to track would you like a free habit tracker printable to keep track of them?

Just click here to get your copy.

The tracker will print full size at A4 or letter. If you want an A5 or half letter size to use in your planner or bullet journal just print the document two to a page.

If you are going to focus on getting enough sleep you might want to get out sleep tracker printable too.

Learn more about mindful eating

More Life Hack Ideas Here

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