How to Set up a Home Drop Zone to Make Your Life Easier

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If you have an overflowing “spot” of unopened mail, forgotten coupons and lost keys it’s time to create a drop zone and bring some order back into your home!

If you have an overflowing

Turn Your Chaos Spot into an Organized Drop Zone

Has the chaos in your home gotten to a level where you feel overwhelmed every time you walk through the front door?

Yup me too.

But don’t panic because today we are kicking off a new series.

We are going to go through the house room by room, tackling the chaos bit by bit.

So by the end of the challenge your home will be the organized haven you will look forward to coming home to.

You in?


It’s time to tackle the spot

Today’s task is to tackle “the spot”.

You know the one I’m talking about.

It’s the spot where you dump everything when you come home.

Mail, keys, loose change, the “treasure” your toddler collected on the way home from nursery… yup. That spot.

For some, it’s that little counter to the side of the fridge.

For others, it’s the table in the foyer.

It doesn’t matter where it is for you. Just get an empty box and dump everything in it.


Now wipe “the spot” so that it’s nice and clean.

And admire it for a moment.

Ok, now, it’s time to get to work.

Set yourself up at the dining room table or your kitchen island because you’re going to sort through the box.

Make piles for mail, bills, books, things that need to go in other rooms etc.

Throw out anything that you don’t need.

Then once it’s sorted, go and put everything in its rightful place.

This really shouldn’t take too long; it only seems overwhelming. Whatever you do just don’t leave the box for another day… (yes I’m speaking from experience!)

Ok that was the simple part of the task. Now you need to think about how you can take “the spot” and turn it into a drop zone.

What’s a drop zone?

It’s a place where you can intentionally place the things that you bring into your home, so that it’s organized and things don’t get cluttered or lost.

Drop Zone Ideas

Your drop zone can be something as simple as a place to hang your keys and sort your mail.

Or it could be as elaborate as a mud room space to keep your coats and shoes neat and tidy.

Here are some drop zone ideas to inspire you.

1 | Make your own mail sorter

Make your own mail sorterRather than just piling your mail up in your spot try hanging some cute baskets on the wall just like this.

You can now sort items that need attention from things that need to go back to the post office.

I love the idea of having somewhere to keep coupons and gift cards too so you don’t lose them!

Make your own mail sorter by Domestic Imperfection

2 | Create a Family Command Center

Create a Family Command CenterIf you have room in your drop zone you could make a full blown family command center like this one.

There is space for sorting the mail, as well as a notice board and a family calendar.

The numbered boxes can be used for scarves and gloves, or school books and papers.

The hooks underneath are useful for hanging bags and umbrellas.

Create a Family Command Center by The Homes I Have Made

3 | Mail Station with Chalkboard Notice Board

Mail Station with Chalkboard Notice BoardHere’s another clever idea.

Add a chalkboard to your mail sorter so you can leave messages for other family members.

Mail Station with Chalkboard Notice Board by Creative Ramblings

4 | Kitchen Cabinet Drop Zone

Kitchen Cabinet Drop ZoneIf your spot isn’t big enough to turn into a proper drop zone try making one inside a cabinet instead.

You might set it up in the hallway or in your kitchen, just make sure you have clearly defined storage solutions for each item otherwise you’ll just end up with a cabinet full of chaos!

Kitchen Cabinet Drop Zone by 11 Magnolia Lane

5 | Setting up a dropzone on a budget

Setting up a dropzone on a budgetWe love a good old IKEA hack around here so take a look at this idea for turning a KALLAX unit into a drop zone!

There’s space for your mail to be sorted using the magazine holder, and somewhere to hang your keys.

I’d also add a nice big mason jar to fill with all the “treasures” your kids pick up at the park!

Setting up a dropzone on a budget by Simple As That

6 | Set up a mud room with drop zone

Set up a mud room with drop zoneIf you have the space go all out and create a drop zone mud room combo with space for coats and shoes as well as your mail and keys.

There’s even room here for a desk and chair so you can sit and do your meal planning or family budgets!

Set up a mud room with drop zone by nortoncommonsky

More Organizing Ideas Here

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