Mindfulness Journal Examples You Can Try Today + Free Coloring Journal Printables

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Discover how mindful journaling can help your mindset, and get your free printable floral journal pages to help you get started.

Use these free printable coloring journal pages to put your thoughts on paper

Mindfulness Journal Examples

Did you know that journaling can help improve your mindset?

If you always feel like you have conversations and worries whizzing around in your head it’s time to try journaling to help you focus.

But not just any journaling.

Mindful journaling.

Today we have a few mindfulness journal examples to encourage you to give this a try.

And don’t miss the free printable floral journal pages to help you get started.

You can express your emotions safely

Mindfulness journal examples include expressing your emotions in your journal

The first reason to try mindful journaling is because it’s a good way for you to be able to express yourself emotionally.

If you’re having a bad day you don’t always want to talk to someone you know, in case they judge you, or just because it can make you feel vulnerable.

And we don’t all have access to our own private therapist right?

So writing things down in a journal is the perfect solution.

Since it is personal and private, you don’t have to worry about others reading what you write.

You can write down all of your thoughts, feelings, emotions, worries, and fears to dispel them from your mind.

And once they’re down on paper you’re free to focus your mind on more positive things.

You can show your gratitude

Express gratitude in your journal

Expressing gratitude is a really important part of having a more positive mindset.

And you can use a mindfulness journal to focus on the things you are grateful for.

It can be so easy to dwell on the negative things in your life but if you pay attention there are positive things as well.

Every day, write down what you are grateful for.

It can be anything. From the seemingly simple or mundane to the most extravagant.

There are no rules for what you are grateful for.

Just think of at least one good thing that happened to you today, or one blessing and write it down.

You can combine reading with journaling

A reading journal or commonplace book is a good example of how you can use a journal for mindfulness

Reading can be a very therapeutic experience too so why not combine the two?

Make a list of books you want to read and write them down in your mindfulness journal.

As you read each book write a little summary of whether you liked it or how the book made you feel.

You might also want to write down sentences or passages from the book that really spoke to you.

Keep journaling with each new book you read and look back every now and then to remind yourself of how they made you feel.

You can keep doing this for every book, while using the journal to help you work through what you thought about the books.

This type of reading journal is also known as a commonplace book. I really enjoyed reading Ryan’s thoughts on commonplace books and why we should all have one.

You can combine coloring with journaling

Combining coloring with journaling is a good example of how you can improve your mindfulness

Another mindfulness exercise that we should all try to incorporate into our self care routine is coloring.

If you think that coloring books are just for kids it’s time to change your mindset on that one.

When we color we have to think about the design we are working on and what colors we might like to use.

We need to focus in order to color.

And when we’re coloring there is never a right or a wrong way to do it, or a bad outcome.

Coloring is a safe form of self-expression. We can choose to share our designs with others or we can keep them to ourselves.

You can combine the two activities by coloring in your journal.

In fact we have some freebie printables today to help you do just that!

Three dot grid pages with pretty floral borders that you can print out and color in before you start to write.

Pretty journal paper with floral border you can color in

Pretty journal paper with floral border you can color in

Pretty journal paper with floral border you can color in

Click here to get your journaling pages.

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