Bullet Journal Savings Trackers {Save money and smash your goals!}

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These bullet journal savings trackers are just what you need to save money and smash your goals this year!

These bullet journal savings trackers ideas are just what i need to meet my goals!

Bullet Journal Savings Trackers

Y’all just cannot get enough of our bullet journal tracker ideas for helping you get organized. And since we’re fresh into the new year and most of us are probably thinking about goals I thought I’d share some clever bullet journal savings trackers with you today!

1 | Savings Envelope Tracker Spread

Follow: @written.intentions

Envelope Savings Tracker Bullet Journal Spread

This envelope tracking spread is brilliant, especially if you’re a Dave Ramsey fan. Draw out an envelope for each of your savings goals and then add boxes with the amounts that you’re going to save, and color them in as you do.

2 | Savings Compass

Follow: @kanguranventuras

Savings Compass for Your Bullet Journal

If you’re saving up to go on vacation somewhere why not try a compass shaped tracker like this one!

3 | Savings Goals

Follow: @boho.berry

Bar Chart Savings tracker Bullet Journal

This savings spread is handy if you have more than one goal that you are saving towards, you can make each one it’s own bar chart with different increments for each one. Then color them in as you save the money.

4 | Savings Stats

Follow: @imperfectly_perfect_bujo

Savings Two page Spread Bullet Journal

If you can’t decide which type of tracker you like the best why not do a mix of a few different ones all on one spread. I think my favorite one here is the piggy bank with all of the coins, and you color in one each time you put some money aside to save for your goal.

5 | Big Goal Savings Tracker

Follow: @rayneorshine_bujo

Savings Goals Bullet Journal

If you have a large savings goal try a tracker like this where you break it down into smaller charts, which doesn’t seem so daunting!

6 | Savings Jar

Follow: @the.journal.life

Bullet Journal Savings Jar

Or how about a spread based on an “old fashioned” savings jar! I love the quote on this one “work until your bank account looks like a phone number”!

7 | Tetris Savings Tracker

Follow: @kadyplansit

Bullet Journal Tetris

Here’s a tetris style savings tracker which you could use for a goal of any amount.

8 | Monopoly Style Savings Tracker

Follow: @planwithsteff

Bullet Journal Savings Tracker Monopoly Style

Oh my goodness how cool is this?? A monopoly style savings tracker that’s actually a game! You write random amounts on the squares and then each week roll a dice to move and put that amount of money into your savings account!

More Bullet Journal Tracker Ideas Here

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