How to Make Playdough Without Cream of Tartar – It’s No Cook too!

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Are you wondering how to make playdough without cream of tartar? This DIY recipe is super easy to make and it doesn’t need to be cooked either! Toddlers and preschoolers will love playing with this super soft playdough!

How to Make Playdough Without Cream of Tartar

What you will make:

My kids love playing with playdough and one of Miss 5’s favourite thing to do is to mix all the different colours together, which means we get through an awful lot of playdough!

The price of store bought dough soon starts to add up when you use a lot of it, which is why we’ve been testing out different DIY recipes.

The great thing about making your own play dough at home is there’s a whole lot of learning involved with measuring out the ingredients, and then some great sensory play as you mix it all together.

But what do you do when your kids want to make playdough and you’re all out of cream of tarter? You hunt high and low for a recipe that doesn’t need any of course!

This homemade playdough is super easy to make and the texture is perfect. I love that not only do you not need cream of tartar, it doesn’t have any salt in it and it doesn’t need to be cooked either!

Which age group is this suitable for?

Playdough fans of all ages!

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