30 Gorgeous DIY Succulent Planters You Need to Make

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Want to add a little greenery to your home? You’ll love these DIY succulent planters. Easy projects you can do this weekend that make great gifts too!

These DIY succulent planters make fabulous handmade gifts - and look like you spent a lot at the store!

DIY Succulent Planters

Succulents are the perfect way to bring a little greenery into your home which is why today we’ve rounded up 30 gorgeous DIY succulent planters that you can make at home this weekend.

As well as making some of these pots for yourself they will also make unique gift ideas for Mother’s Day and even Teacher’s Appreciation week!

How fabulous are these succulent planters that you can make at home this weekend! #diyproject

30. Make your own marbled clay succulent pots

Make your own marbled clay succulent pots

Found it here >> A Beautiful Mess

These pinch pots are super easy to make, look fabulous and don’t cost a lot. So you have money left over to feed your succulent addiction…

29. Repurpose a stylish candle holder as a planter

Repurpose a stylish candle holder as a planter

Found it here >> Cherished Bliss

From candle holder to succulent planter. Very clever.

28. Make your own wooden planter

27. Make mini succulent planters as party favours

Make mini succulent planters as party favours

Found it here >> Circus Berry

If you’re planning a party or even a wedding and you’re stuck for ideas as what to use for favours make some of these mini succulent holders.

26. Repurpose a toothbrush holder as a planter

Repurpose a toothbrush holder as a planter

Found it here >> Kittenhood

No one will ever guess that this stylish planter started out life as a toothbrush holder!

25. Make your own cement planter

Make your own cement planter

Found it here >> Home DIT

It’s easier than you think, and you can use a baking pan as mould!

24. Make your own dipped succulent plant holders

Make your own dipped succulent plant holders

Found it here >> Cupcakes, Cocktails and Kids

These dipped glass holders are beautiful, and started out life as a wine glass.

23. Turn an IKEA RASKOG cart into a succulent planter

Turn an IKEA RASKOG cart into a succulent planter

Found it here >> Succulents and Sunshine

IKEA hack alert! Here’s an ingenious use for that fabulous IKEA RASKOG cart we all have our eye on!

22. Repurpose a picture frame into a DIY vertical planter

Repurpose a picture frame into a DIY vertical planter

Found it here >> Confessions of a Secret Crafter

For something a little different create your own DIY vertical planter using a flea market picture frame.

21. Make your own DIY dinosaur planters

20. Make a DIY driftwood planter

 Make a DIY driftwood planter

Found it here >> Succulents and Sunshine

This driftwood planter is simply stunning and would make a fabulous table centrepiece.

19. Repurpose some plastic pipe into a planter

Repurpose some plastic pipe into a planter

Found it here >> The Happier Homemaker

If you have a succulent addiction you need cheap planters and pots, which is why this clever planter is made from a plastic pipe end cap!

18. Make a pineapple planter

Make a pineapple planter

Found it here >> Lines Across

Here’s a quirky idea for a succulent planter that would make a fabulous gift!

17. Make your own cement succulent planters

16. Make mini succulent planters for your desk

Make mini succulent planters for your desk

Found it here >> A Kailo Chic Life

This mini succulent planters are stylish, and adorable, and made from plastic Easter eggs…

15. Make a DIY painted planter

Make a DIY painted planter

Found it here >> The Crafted Life

We love this painted planter, and you can just let your imagination run wild with your colours and patterns.

14. Turn a bell cup into a planter

Turn a bell cup into a planter

Found it here >> Lovely Indeed

We had no idea what a bell cup was when we came across this tutorial, turns out it’s from a tree and is a bi-product of the Indian food industry. They’re the perfect home for air plants so they make fabulous succulent holders.

13. Upcycle an old soup tureen

Upcycle an old soup tureen

Found it here >> I Want That

You know that vintage soup tureen you picked up at an estate sale that was beautiful but missing a lid? Give it a new purpose as a succulent planter!

12. Turn an old drawer handle into a vertical succulent planter

Turn an old drawer handle into a vertical succulent planter

Found it here >> The Scrap Shoppe Blog

Vertical succulent planters are the thing right now, and if you did any of our repurposed drawer projects you might have a handle or two leftover to make one of these!

11. Turn your Mason jars into succulent planters

Turn your Mason jars into succulent planters

Found it here >> Lolly Jane

Oh Mason Jars how we love thee. That’s Mother’s Day and Teacher’s Appreciation week sorted!

10. Make a Himmeli triangle succulent holder


Found it here >> I Spy DIY

Don’t you just love it when you see something that you love and think it will be so expensive, then it turns out its a DIY!

9. Create your own marbled planter stands

Create your own marbled planter stands

Found it here >> Fall for DIY

These marbled planter stands are gorgeous and would make great gifts.

8. Make a sparkly disco ball planter

Make a sparkly disco ball planter

Found it here >> A Bubbly Life

If you love pink and sparkly this disco ball planter is the one for you!

7. Weave a planter with Perler beads

Weave a planter with Perler beads

Found it here >> The 3Rs Blog

If your kids have long since lost their love for their Perler beads take advantage and use the leftovers to make yourself a wonderful succulent planter!

6. Make your own cement planter

Make your own cement planter

Found it here >> Camille Styles

Cement succulent planters are quite expensive to buy but surprisingly easy to make!

5. Repurpose a toy truck into a planter

Repurpose a toy truck into a planter

Found it here >> Pinterest

Don’t throw out the beloved trucks when your kids outgrow them!

4. Upcycle some vintage teacups into succulent planters

Upcycle some vintage teacups into succulent planters

Found it here >> Tattooed Martha

You can never have too many upcycled projects in your life. Next time you’re at the flea market look out for some vintage teacups and then turn them into fabulous succulent planters!

3. Make a unicorn succulent planter

2. Make a totem planter using IKEA bowls

Make a totem planter using IKEA bowls

Found it here >> We are Scout

We love a good IKEA hack and this one is pretty genius. No one will ever guess that this gorgeous Totem succulent planter started out life as a bunch of bowls!

1. Make a DIY wooden planter box for a bunk bed

Make a DIY wooden planter box for a bunk bed

Found it here >> A Beautiful Mess

This is a brilliant idea for adding a bit of greenery to a girl’s bedroom! Make a DIY wooden planter box and then fill it with felt succulents.

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