You Kids Will Have Fun Making and Then Playing These DIY Musical Instruments

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Encourage your kids to be creative with these DIY musical instrument craft ideas! They can make them and then make music with them!

Loving these diy musical instruments - and such a wonderful thing to teach children that they can make their own toys!

DIY Musical Instruments

You know how much we love practical craft ideas for kids around here, especially things they can use after they’ve made them.

And these DIY musical instruments fit the bill perfectly!

Your children can have fun making them and then they can have hours of fun playing music with them!

1 | Rainbow Rainmaker

Rainbow RainmakerI confess to having a bit of a washi tape habit so I couldn’t pass up this rainbow rainmaker craft!


Rainbow Rainmaker by Mum in the Madhouse

2 | Straw Pan Flute

Straw Pan FluteI think most of us have a stash of straws in a draw leftover from a birthday party so this craft should be pretty easy to put together. And then your kids can have fun learning to play the pan flute!


Straw Pan Flute by Cultura Creas

3 | Beach Drift Wood & Broken Shell Rattles

 Beach Drift Wood & Broken Shell RattlesI know how much y’all love nature crafts, especially ones with seashells, so I just had to share this fabulous DIY rattle with you!


Beach Drift Wood & Broken Shell Rattles by Red Ted Art

4 | DIY Mini Lid Banjos

DIY Mini Lid BanjosOh look another musical instrument craft using washi tape! These mini banjos are super cute and you never know once your child has start playing one they might want to have a go at the real thing!


DIY Mini Lid Banjos by The Craft Train

5 | DIY Wood Instruments

DIY Wood InstrumentsI nearly passed on sharing this DIY because there is quite a bit of adult prep involved. But then I decided what the heck, crafting time is family time right? And these wooden instruments will last a long time! Plus your kids will enjoy getting involved with decorating them.


DIY Wood Instruments by Hello Bee

6 | How to Make Jingle Sticks and Jingle Rings for Kids

How to Make Jingle Sticks and Jingle Rings for KidsHere’s another nature based instrument craft, and these jingle rings and jingle sticks look so sweet with their fun colored ribbons don’t you think!


How to Make Jingle Sticks and Jingle Rings for Kids by Buggy and Buddy

7 | Fancy DIY Egg Shakers

Fancy DIY Egg ShakersEaster is coming which means you’re about to be inundated with plastic eggs right? Once the Easter Egg hut is done why not turn them into fabulous musical shakers!


Fancy DIY Egg Shakers by Mama Smiles

8 | DIY Rain Stick

DIY Rain StickI know I already shared a rainmaker craft but this one shows you how to decorate your rain stick if you don’t have a huge stash of washi tape lying around!


DIY Rain Stick by The Imagination Tree

More Craft Ideas for Kids Here


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Loving these DIY musical instruments!

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