Kick Off the New Year with 31 Days of Self Care + Motivational Wallpapers

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Life has thrown so many curve balls at us this year it’s not a surprise you’re feeling burnt out! Download this free 31 day self care calendar and bring some much needed mental rest and recuperation back into your life!

This post originally appeared on FTD By Design.

This year has been a challenging one for many, and as it comes to an end it’s the perfect time to push reset and move on from all the craziness.

Navigating this year may have caused you to feel like all forms of self-care went out the window — but it doesn’t have to be that way anymore!

Take some time to recover from this tough year and treat yo’self to some well-deserved TLC by following this 31-day self-care calendar to get the new year started off on the right foot.

Plus, we’ve included inspirational wallpapers to help you stay accountable!

31-Day Self-Care Calendar 

From a spa day at home to practicing gratitude, this calendar is filled with fun and attainable acts to help you get the new year started on the right foot.

Hang this printable in your room to remind yourself to practice some well-deserved self-care! 

self care calendar
get self care calendar button

Day 1: Eat Clean 

Start off the first day of your self-care calendar by eating clean!

Eating fresh fruits, veggies and unprocessed snacks is a great way to detox your body and boost your mood.

Dedicate this day to only whole foods — you can even make a fun trip to the local farmers market or grocery store out of it!

Day 2: Read or Listen to a Podcast

Do you have a book that’s been sitting on your shelf collecting dust?

Take this day as your calling to finally start it!

Cozy up on your couch and get lost in some stories.

Alternatively, if you’re more of a tech gal, listen to a podcast and learn something new about an interesting topic. 

Day 3: Meditate 

Recharge your batteries and meditate!

This year has been a stressful one, and there’s no better way than meditating to let go of bad energy.

Meditating provides that quality “me” time that everyone needs every once in a while, and you can do it from anywhere. Practice some breathing exercises to really get in the zone and become more mindful. 

To help you keep the chill vibes, get this relaxing wallpaper for your phone so you can be reminded of your peaceful place throughout the day. 

meditate wallpaper on green background
get meditate wallpaper button

Day 4: Clean Your Space

A deep clean doesn’t have to happen only in spring!

Day 4 is the day to go through old clothes, organize your room and throw out anything you don’t use anymore.

Not only will your space be cleared, but hopefully your mind will be too. 

Day 5: FaceTime a Friend

Catch up with an old friend today!

Since we’re spending more time at home these days, FaceTime them and get quality face-to-face time.

Virtually cook and eat together just like you used to!

If you live far away, you can even stay in touch the old-fashioned way and send a card with some of your favorite friendship quotes.

Day 6: Have a Wine Night

Pop open the bubbly and have a wine night!

Throwing a wine night, whether it’s with friends or by yourself, is the perfect way to unwind and close out a long week.

If you choose to have a wine night with the gals, spice it up with some wine guessing games or print your own labels.

Day 7: Spa Day

Light your favorite candle, take a bubble bath and have yourself a relaxing spa day!

Make sure to include putting on a comfy robe and your fluffiest slippers — there’s no need to dress to the nines while you get your chill on.

spa day sticker on yellow background

Day 8: Pick up a New Skill

Get inspired and take on a skill that you haven’t tried before.

Doesn’t have to be anything crazy — it could be something like learning a new language, baking a new sweet treat or how to draw something.

Take advantage of a free trial over at Skillshare to learn something new!

Day 9: Buy Some Flowers 

Send yourself or a friend some just because flowers as a way of self-care! Nothing brightens up a day more than a cheery bouquet of flowers.

Consider pairing the florals with a special gift for an additional surprise. 

Day 10: Get Creative with DIY

Get crafty today!

Focus on your creative side today with some DIY.

Make some cool things, like a macrame wall hanger or homemade beauty products such as a quick and easy body scrub or a face mask.

That way you can be productive and make something you can relax with at the same time! 

Day 11: Practice Gratitude

Focus on practicing gratitude today.

Practicing gratitude boosts physical and emotional well-being and can even promote better sleep.

Start off the morning by thinking about something you’re grateful for — better yet, write them down! It can be anything, small or large.

Whatever it may be, focus your mind on the positives.

To continue to practice gratitude, get this wallpaper for your phone! It can help remind you of all the things you’re grateful for.

gratitude wallpaper
get gratitude wallpaper

Day 12: Stay Hydrated

Ever have a day so busy that you forget to even have a sip of water?


Take today as your reminder to stay hydrated!

To help remind yourself to quench your thirst, set out a pitcher or jug of water and make it a goal to finish it before the day ends.

To further help your water intake, get the Waterlogged app to help you keep track and set reminders! 

Day 13: Compliment Someone

Spread the joy!

If you’re on social media, leave a positive comment on a post you find impactful.

Text your family or loved ones to let them know you care, or compliment your best friend’s at-home workout outfit. 

Day 14: Cuddle a Pet or Human

Make it a point to cuddle your pet or loved one today!

Cuddling has many benefits, such as promoting relaxation, relieving tension, and lowering stress — making it the perfect addition to your self-care routine. 

Day 15: Coffee In Bed 

Coffee is the definition of self-care.

Enjoy a nice hot cup of joe in bed this morning and sit alone in your thoughts.

Not a coffee person? That’s ok. Tea works just fine!

coffee sticker on blue background

Day 16: Take a Walk

Get some exercise and go for a walk.

Take this time to enjoy nature, the great outdoors and feel the sun on your face, even if it’s just for 10 minutes.

Combine your walk with some mindful thinking and breathing exercises to reduce stress

Day 17: Put Away the Electronics 

The internet, social media and electronic devices all have the potential to create stress in our day to day lives.

Today is the day to switch off your tech and enjoy some time away from the screens. Unplug and pick up a book or magazine. 

Day 18: Have a Dance Party

When was the last time you had a dance party? Turn on your favorite music and throw a solo dance party to feel the good vibes.

This will be sure to get your feet moving, your fists pumping and your spirits up!

Day 19: Cook a Yummy Recipe 

Treat yourself to something decadent today and try out a new recipe.

Bust out the cooking books and finally make that pasta dish you’ve been craving or that dessert your friend recommended. 

Day 20: Write Down Some Goals 

Sometimes self-care is doing what’s best for you, which includes planning for your life in the long run.

Today, write down your top three goals that you want to achieve in the New Year.

Take that paper with your goals and tape it somewhere you can see it each day, like your bathroom mirror!

Day 21: Take a Yoga Class

Try out that yoga class that you’ve been wanting to go to.

Yoga is hands down one of the best ways to practice self-care!

Not only does it reduce stress and anxiety, but it also improves your mental health and overall quality of life

girl doing yoga

Day 22: Take a Deep Breath

Breathe in, breathe out.

Relax and take a deep breath today — you’re doing great!

As you breathe, remind yourself of how far you’ve come and all that you’ve accomplished in the past year. 

Day 23: Say Yes To Something Fun

If you’re usually one to turn down plans, take this day and say yes to something fun!

This is a great way to reconnect with your friends or family and get yourself out there.

Put all of your worries aside and have a great day doing something different. 

Day 24: Watch Your Favorite Movie

Cuddle up, get the popcorn ready and open some vino!

Have a chill night in and put on your favorite movie so you can kick back and have a stress-free night.

Whether it’s a rom-com like Bridget Jones Diary or a classic Harry Potter flick, you’ll be sure to escape the real world for a little while.

Day 25: Do an Act of Kindness

Do something nice for someone today and spread smiles.

This act of kindness can include donating to a charity you care about, saying “hello” to a stranger or leaving a nice note on someone’s door. 

To inspire some kindness into your day, be sure to get this cheery wallpaper.

kindess wallpaper on purple background
get kindness button

Day 26: Catch Up With Family 

This year has been a busy one for many, so you may not have had much time to reconnect with family members.

Call them up just to chat, or set up a virtual lunch date!

Catching up with your family is also a great way to motivate each other to keep up with self-care habits! 

Day 27: Hygge Your Home

Spread warmth and calmness and hygge your home today!

Hygge is a Danish way of describing the simple pleasures of life, specifically “togetherness” and “coziness.”

Incorporate this into your space by adding twinkly string lights, adding some fun textures and decorating with candles.

Day 28: Splurge on a Shopping Spree

Treat yo’self is today’s motto.

Put on a cute outfit and get yourself something nice.

Make a day out of it by going to the mall with your girlfriends, or just chill in the comfort of your own home and do some online shopping. 

shopping day sticker on orange background

Day 29: Make a New Friend 

Make a new friend today! Connecting with others has been even more important this year, so take the time to make a new connection.

You can do something simple like set up a virtual coffee meeting with a coworker you don’t know as well.

Day 30: Gardening

If you have a garden, spend some time planting something new!

If not, buy your favorite plant to decorate with.

Plus, plants have air-purifying properties, so while you practice self-care, you’ll have a cleansed home too.  

Download this wallpaper to help you get inspired to get plant babies of your own.

tropical plant wallpaper on yellow background
get gardening wallpaper

Day 31: Take a Nap

You’ve made it a whole month of practicing self-care habits!

Take a nap today to recharge your batteries.

From practicing gratitude to sending yourself a bouquet of flowers, you’ll be able to give yourself the quality “me time” that you deserve.

By following these 31 days of self-care you’ll be able to start off this new year feeling rejuvenated and ready to take on more challenges.

It's time to focus on YOU for a change with this free 31 day self care challenge. Don't forget to get the motivational wallpapers for your phone to keep you on track! #wellness #selfcare
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