These Craft Bullet Journal Ideas Will Help You Keep Track of Your Creative Projects

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Whether you crochet, knit, sew or some other sort of creative project you are going to love these craft Bullet Journal ideas!

Loving these bullet journal craft trackers! So many ways to keep track of my crochet, quilting and other creative projects!

Craft Bullet Journal Ideas

Our community is still going crazy over the collection of Bullet Journal ideas I pulled together so today I thought I’d bring you some more.

This time it’s a collection of craft Bullet Journal ideas, which is just what you need to keep track of your knitting, sewing and crochet projects!

So many creative craft trackers for your bullet journal! Stay on track of your knitting, crochet, sewing and quilting projects with these clever ideas! #bulletjournal #crafts #trackers #bujo

Keep track of your ever-growing collection of knitting needles and crochet hooks

I love this crochet hook and knitting needle tracker because not only does it have a handy conversion chart but there’s also a column for keeping track of how many of each one you already own.

Record the projects you finished by month

via logthatlife


Record the projects you finished by month


This overall project tracker index is a great way to keep track of how many projects you completed each month and what they were.

Include swatches, yarn and labels

via Melody Hoffmann


Include swatches, yarn and labels


I love this idea of including your gauge swatch, pieces of yarn and the labels in your Bullet Journal. This is especially useful if you’re making something to give away or sell so that you have the information if you ever want to make the project over again.

Track your Work in Progress projects

via maryj13


Track your Work in Progress projects


You can use your Bullet Journal to keep track of your Work in Progress, because there’s not many people who don’t have more than one project underway at once right? Keeping a note of the materials needed is a good way for you to make sure you have everything to hand.

Include a drawing of the finished project

This is the spread that Suzie created to keep track of her sewing projects. You could use this layout for any craft project though. Include a sketch of the item you’re making, or if its from a pattern you could paste in a photograph instead.

Keep track of what’s in your craft stash

via Sew What Alicia


Keep track of what's in your craft stash


If your craft stash is overwhelming and you can never find what you need (or keep buying the same things over and over) why not take some time out to get organised. Alicia designed this tracker for her Bullet Journal so she knows exactly what she has in her craft stash, and more importantly which box it’s in!

Track your Granny Squares

via maryj13


Track your Granny Squares


This is a great layout to copy if you are crocheting a granny square project. The simple tracker on the right will help you keep track of how many squares you have made. I love how Mary has an image of the project she is making and has room to put a photograph of her own Max the African Flower Bulldog when he’s done.

Cut down on your impulse buys

Jen has discovered a happy side effect to keeping track of her projects in her Bullet Journal… cutting down on impulse buys! When you can see how many projects you already have on the go you’ll be less to add anything else to the list… maybe…

Make a handy yarn weights and gauges table

via craftyenginerd


Make a handy yarn weights and gauges table


If you can never remember which size hook or needle to use with which yarn weight then you need one of these trackers in your BuJo! Here’s the information you need to complete the table just in case you can’t see it clearly on the image.

Track your vital statistics

via raindoodlie


Track your vital statistics


If you enjoy making clothes for yourself or your loved ones keep track of their measurements in your Bullet Journal so they’re right there when you need them. You could also keep track of your favourite blanket sizes.

Plan and track your crochet temperature blanket

via Stationery Geek


Plan and track your crochet temperature blanket


If you working on a temperature blanket (or scarf) this year you could dedicate a spread in your Bullet Journal to help you keep track of which yarn you picked out for which temperature. You could even combine it with a temperature in pixels spread (you know just in case you miss a day or two crocheting the scarf and need to catch up, which is bound to happen!)

Include your stitch diagrams

If you are working on a crochet project take the time to map out your stitch diagrams along with your other project details so you have the pattern right where you need it.

Make an amigurumi checklist

via Pinterest


Make an amigurumi checklist


Whether you’re working on an amigurumi crochet pattern or any other project that has a series of steps keep track of them with a handy checklist like this one.

Make yourself a row counter

via Sam J Granger


If you’re like me and lose track of which row you were working on adding a row counter tracker to your BuJo is a really good idea!

Keep track of your knitting projects

Knitting Project TrackerCreate a page in your journal for each of your knitting projects to keep track of all the important information.


Knitting Project Tracker by Pinterest

Challenge yourself to knit every day

Knitting Challenge TrackerCreate a knitting habit tracker so you can challenge yourself to knit every day for a year.


Knitting Challenge Tracker by Natalie Bollin

Make a Gift Project Tracker

Make a Gift Project TrackerThe gift tags and drawers are just too cute! I love this layout for letting you keep track of which gift you’re making for whom this Holiday season.


Make a Gift Project Tracker by Teresa Hardin

Set yourself a challenge

Set yourself a challengeHere’s another challenge style tracker, so you can monitor how long it takes you to get from start to finish on a project.


Set yourself a challenge by Pinterest

Keep track of your quilting projects

Keep track of your quilting projectsIf you like to work on multiple projects at once a simple spread like this in your bullet journal will help you keep track of which stage you are at with which project.


Keep track of your quilting projects by Hexiekat

Download a free quilt tracking printable

Download a free quilt tracking printableOr you could grab this quilt tracking printable to use, I like how this one has a checklist at the bottom for supplies you need to buy or replace.


Download a free quilt tracking printable by Lovelea Designs

Try a vertical projects at a glance spread

Try a vertical projects at a glance spreadHere’s another way to lay out that project tracker, this time in a vertical spread, I like how they’ve color coded each stage!


Try a vertical projects at a glance spread by Bluprint

Keep track of the details of each quilting project

Keep track of the details of each quilting projectDownload this free printable to help you keep track of each individual quilting project and what supplies you need.


Keep track of the details of each quilting project by Quilting Digest

Plan out your sewing projects

Plan out your sewing projectsThink about using a two page spread to keep track of your sewing projects. On the left you can record supplies, colors and swatches, and on the right you can make notes and add sketches or pictures.


Plan out your sewing projects by Bee Lori1

Keep track of standard measurements

Keep track of standard measurementsIf you like making clothes then it’s a good idea to create a spread of standard measurements and you’re family’s measurements so you don’t have to keep looking them up.


Keep track of standard measurements by Sweet Everly B

Create a visual list of your projects

Create a visual list of your projectsHere’s a visual way to keep track of what you’re working on by drawing them out in your bullet journal.


Create a visual list of your projects by Fringe Association

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These bullet journal craft trackers will help you keep track of your knitting, crochet or quilting projects #bulletjournal #crafts

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