17 Easy Sewing Projects for Kids to Make

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These sewing projects for kids are beginner friendly and suitable for kids of all ages. Teach them a life skill and they’ll soon be making their own toys and clothes!

Easy Sewing Projects for Kids

Today we have another wonderful collection of kid’s craft ideas for you and this time we’re all about easy sewing projects!

Sewing is a great skill to teach your children because not only does it build their fine and gross motor skills, as well as hand eye co-ordination it can also be very relaxing.

And of course it’s a very important life skill!

These days we live in a disposable society and it’s important that our children learn to “make do and mend”.

With a little bit of knowledge and some creative thinking they’ll be able to sew their own toys and clothes as well as make gifts for loved ones.

Here are some easy projects to get you started. Some use just a needle and thread, others a sewing machine and there is something here to appeal to kids of all ages.

Sewing is a great skill to teach your children because not only does it build their fine and gross motor skills, as well as hand eye co-ordination it can also be very relaxing. And of course it's a very important life skill! These days we live in a disposable society and it's important that our children learn to "make do and mend". With a little bit of knowledge and some creative thinking they'll be able to sew their own toys and clothes as well as make gifts for loved ones.

1 | Warren the Charity Bear

Warren the Charity Bear Warren is such a sweet bear and he was designed to be super easy to make so that people (including kids) could make him as a donated bear. He’s just the right size for hugging and because you can mix and match his parts you’ll never get bored of making him (or versions of him!)

Warren the Charity Bear by Shiny Happy World

2 | How to Sew a Doll Skirt

How to Sew a Doll SkirtHere’s an easy peasy sewing project that your daughter can follow to make a skirt for one of her dolls. This is a great way to use up fabric scraps or even outgrown clothes that were headed to goodwill!

How to Sew a Doll Skirt by Sew Can She

3 | Child Made Button Star Ornaments

Child Made Button Star OrnamentsThese sweet stars are easy to sew and easy to personalize with buttons. And of course they are meant to be Christmas ornaments, but since it’s April why not add a clasp to turn them into keychains, or sprinkle them with your favourite essential oil and use them as dresser drawer fresheners!

Child Made Button Star Ornaments by Red Ted Art

4 | DIY Emoji Keychains

DIY Emoji KeychainsWe’ve been rounding up so many keychain ideas recently that when I saw these cute emoji faces I knew I had to share them! This sure is a fun sewing project that you kids can then turn into back to school gifts for their friends!

DIY Emoji Keychains by Crafternoon Cabaret Club

5 | Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons: A Sewing Activity

Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons: A Sewing ActivityIf your child is a fan of Pete the Cat you definitely need to do this simple sewing activity with them! Sewing on buttons is an excellent life skill as well as being a simple way to introduce littles to sewing.

Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons: A Sewing Activity by Mama Papa Bubba

6 | How to Make Glove Monsters

How to Make Glove MonstersMove over sock monkey, there’s a new sewing project in town… turning old gloves into monsters! The kids can really let their imaginations run wild with this project for sure!

How to Make Glove Monsters by Craftaholics Anonymous

7 | Easy DIY Minion Hand Warmers

Easy DIY Minion Hand WarmersIt’s been so chilly these past few days I really could have used one of these cute little hand warmers! Of course these little packs are also good for soothing bumps and boo boos whatever the weather! So if you have a little minion fan in your family this is the perfect sewing project for them!

Easy DIY Minion Hand Warmers by Skip to My Lou

8 | Mismatched Sock Snake

Mismatched Sock SnakeFinally! A fun project that will use up all of those odd socks you’ve been collecting that you just know will never see their partner again! The kids will have fun designing their snake and sewing him up. Then they can either snuggle up with him or use him as a draft excluder! Oh if you filled him up with beans or rice (inside a baggy to avoid spills) he would be the perfect weighted sensory toy!

Mismatched Sock Snake by Grosgrain Fab

9 | How to Make an Easy Apron with Fat Quarters: A Free Apron Pattern & Tutorial

How to Make an Easy Apron with Fat Quarters: A Free Apron Pattern & TutorialHere’s a sewing project to inspire the budding baker in your family, because what chef wouldn’t want to sew their own apron!

How to Make an Easy Apron with Fat Quarters: A Free Apron Pattern & Tutorial by Creative Green Living

10 | How to Make A Wristlet Key Fob

How to Make A Wristlet Key FobWhen your child is ready to start using the sewing machine they’ll need plenty of practice at sewing in straight lines. And these fabulous ribbon wristlets are the perfect project! Once they’ve mastered it they’ll want to make these as gifts for family and friends, or maybe even their teacher!

How to Make A Wristlet Key Fob by Pretty Prudent

11 | Easy Tote Bag – Kids Sewing Project

Easy Tote Bag - Kids Sewing ProjectSpeaking of teacher gifts that your child can sew themselves, how about this fabulous tote bag? Every teacher needs a way to carry their books and supplies right!

Easy Tote Bag – Kids Sewing Project by Skip to My Lou

12 | Bunny Hand Puppets

Bunny Hand PuppetsWe just missed Easter but these adorable bunny hand puppets are just too cute not to share. And kids can have bunny friends all year round right? This tutorial is filled with pictures so it’s easy to follow and the perfect craft for a child who wants to know how to make their own toys. They start with bunnies and then let their imagination decide what kind of felt hand puppet to dream up next!

Bunny Hand Puppets by Purl Soho

13 | How to Sew a Cat from Scaps

How to Sew a Cat from ScapsOh my goodness. How cute is this cat! He’s made from fabric scraps, which only adds to his personality. His off-kilterness (is that a word) makes him the perfect sewing project for kids who haven’t mastered preciseness yet. He is the perfect example that there is beauty in imperfection!

How to Sew a Cat from Scaps by Sew Toy

14 | Easy Felt Clutch: Beginner Sewing Project

Easy Felt Clutch: Beginner Sewing ProjectThis adorable clutch is a brilliant choice for a girl who has just started learning to use a sewing machine. It’s simple to put together and doesn’t take too long either so she can grow her confidence quickly.

Easy Felt Clutch: Beginner Sewing Project by Scattered Thoughts of a Crafty Mom

15 | Wraparound Felt Scrap Bracelet

Wraparound Felt Scrap BraceletWraparound bracelets are super popular right now so this is a brilliant project for beginner sewers if you have a whole heap of felt scraps to use up! Your child will need to lay out the pieces before they sew them together so it’s a great way to look at co-ordinating or contrasting colors and making simple or complex repeating patterns. See there is so much real life math in even a simple sewing project!

Wraparound Felt Scrap Bracelet by Bugs and Fishes

16 | Sew a Sleeping Bag for Stuffed Animals

Sew a Sleeping Bag for Stuffed AnimalsOh look at all those sweet animals fast asleep in their sleeping bags! This is a fun sewing craft you could do during a sleepover.

Sew a Sleeping Bag for Stuffed Animals by Parents

17 | DIY Mini Felt Dolls

DIY Mini Felt DollsIf you’re looking for a sewing project for an older child or a teen check out these adorable mini felt dolls. They’re pocket sized at about 5 inches tall and they can go to town designing their clothes and their hair!

DIY Mini Felt Dolls by Just Bright Ideas

More Kid’s Craft Ideas Here

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Sewing is a great skill to teach your children because not only does it build their fine and gross motor skills, as well as hand eye co-ordination it can also be very relaxing. And of course it's a very important life skill! These days we live in a disposable society and it's important that our children learn to "make do and mend". With a little bit of knowledge and some creative thinking they'll be able to sew their own toys and clothes as well as make gifts for loved ones.

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