13 Super Clever IKEA Raskog Cart Uses for the Kitchen

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There are so many IKEA Raskog cart uses for the kitchen that you might have to treat yourself to more than one cart!

So many genius uses for the IKEA Raskog cart in the kitchen!

IKEA Raskog Cart Uses for the Kitchen

Every time we go into IKEA I find myself standing in front of that bright turquoise Raskog utility cart and wondering where I could use it in my house. And hubby always pulls me away telling me we really don’t need one. So I’m setting out to prove him wrong! Ha!

I started out by searching for all the ways to use that pretty cart in the kitchen, since that’s where it was designed to be used. And I found everything from mobile cleaning stations and bar trolleys to a brilliant hack that turns it the cart into a rolling island!

As always be sure to scroll all the way to the end so you don’t miss any of the great ideas. And don’t forget to pin your favourites as you go!

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How To Use the $30 IKEA RÅSKOG Cart in the Kitchen

I love how the cart can slide into those empty slots under a kitchen counter, so it pretends to be a cabinet. (via Apartment Therapy)

Mobile Cleaning Station

This is a good idea. Use the cart to keep all of your cleaning supplies together, and of course spare toilet rolls! (via Tatertots and Jello)

Raskog Cart for Extra Kitchen Space

I love the idea of using the cart for baking supplies, and going the extra step to paint the utensils to match the gorgeous colour! (via Hampton SC)

Rolling Cart Hack

Oh that is genius! Add a butcher block to the top of your Raskog and it becomes a rolling island for a fraction of the price! (via According to Ame)

Raskog as a Baking Center

Here’s someone else using their Raskog as a baking center. It’s good to see that you can fit a stand mixer up on top. I wonder if you put the butcher block on top whether you could use that stand mixer right there on the cart? (via The Kitchn)

Raskog Cart Turned Bar Trolley

This one is perfect for parties, just roll out the bar cart when it’s time to serve drinks! (via Chez Larsson)

The IKEA RÅSKOG Cart as Coffee Station

I think ever coffee drinker should have their own home coffee station and using the rolling cart is a great idea because you can wheel it into the living room when you have friends over! (via The Kitchn)

Rolling Herb Garden

I’m not sure what I love more about this idea. Turning the cart into a rolling herb garden, or decorating it with those super cute stripes! (via IKEAhackers)

Photo Prop Storgae

This cart is filled with photo props from a blogger, but it could just as easily be a baking station. I love how everything is accessible when you need it. (via The 36th Avenue)

The IKEA RÅSKOG Cart as Breakfast Station

Oh this is a fun idea, especially for the Holidays when you’re serving a crowd for breakfast. Pop everything on the trolley and let the hungry hoards help themselves! (via The Kitchn)

Falling In Love With: IKEA’s RÅSKOG Cart

And of course the grills on the bottom of the sections make it perfect for storing veggies in the pantry! (via The Kitchn)

Add Hooks for More Storage

Here’s another idea for a rolling coffee station, I do like how she’s added those IKEA hooks to hang the cups on the outside. (via Sandy Sundays)

Rolling Lunch Station

What a brilliant way to keep the kid’s school lunch supplies all organized! (via How Does She)

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Who knew there were so many GENIUS ways to use the IKEA Raskog cart in the kitchen! I might need to buy two!
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