Minecraft Alex Paper Craft for Kids

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Are your kids obsessed with Minecraft too? Entice them to have some unplugged time making a picture of Minecraft Alex.

Minecraft Alex Craft for Kids

Minecraft Alex Paper Craft for Kids

What you will make:

If your son or daughter is a Minecraft fan they will have fun putting together this paper craft of the Alex character.

This craft is perfect for practicing cutting skills so is suitable for kindergarteners and perhaps even first graders.

My daughter loves playing Minecraft but gets very upset that she has to play a “boy” character. Today we learned that there is actually a girl option called Alex. And during this afternoon’s crafting session she asked if she could try and make a picture of Alex to stick on her bedroom wall.

Minecraft Alex

We headed over to Google to find a picture to work from and picked out this one from the guys at Nova Skin. You can upload those skins to your Minecraft account if your child wants a break from Steve!

Then we raided the craft box to gather up our supplies.

Minecraft Alex Supplies

Supplies you will need:

Draw an outline of Alex

Minecraft Alex Pixel Picture - Draw the outline

The first step is to draw an outline of Alex onto a piece of paper. You should really use a ruler for this since she’s made of square pixels but since Miss 5 is still practicing her scissor skills I knew the lines wouldn’t be cut straight so we just eyeballed it.

Cut out the shapes

Then we cut out squares from the different colour paper to create all the blocks we needed:
  • Black – Boots, belt and pupils
  • Brown – Trousers
  • Green – Shirt
  • Orange – Hair
  • White – Eyes
  • Pink – Mouth

Stick the blocks down

Minecraft Alex Craft Lay out the pieces

Once you have all the shapes cut out it’s just a case of putting them all in the right place and glueing them down.

Of course you don’t have to paper craft an Alex, if your child prefers Steve then you can follow the same steps and use this picture for inspiration.

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