Easter Bunny Crochet Projects to Make this Weekend!

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So many fabulous bunny themed Easter crochet projects for you today! From baskets and headbands to bunny hats and egg cosies!

Easter Bunny Crochet Projects

So I already rounded up some adorable bunny crochet patterns, oh and bunny dolls wearing clothes but today I have Easter bunny crochet projects that aren’t dolls. Yup, today there is not a crochet toy in sight and instead we have Easter baskets, and hats, and headbands and some super cute little egg cosies!

1 | Amigurumi Bunny Pops

Amigurumi Bunny PopsOh how cute are these amigurumi bunny pops! They will make a really unique centerpiece at your Easter party! They work up super quick too!
Amigurumi Bunny Pops by Little Things Blogged

2 | Bunny Ear Teether

Bunny Ear TeetherIf you’ve been invited to a Spring time baby shower you should definitely make a couple of these bunny ear teething rings to give as a gift!
Bunny Ear Teether by Yarn Society

3 | Crochet Bunny Slippers Pattern

Crochet Bunny Slippers PatternEek! How CUTE are these bunny slippers! They’re the perfect addition to any child’s Easter basket I think!
Crochet Bunny Slippers Pattern by Persia Lou

4 | 30-Minute Bunny Ear Headband Free Crochet Pattern

30-Minute Bunny Ear Headband Free Crochet PatternA few readers have been asking for a pattern to make a bunny ear headband, so here it is! I picked this one out because the pattern is free (yay) and you can work up the headband in about 30 minutes (double yay!)
30-Minute Bunny Ear Headband Free Crochet Pattern by Jenny and Teddy

5 | Easter Bunny Basket Crochet Pattern

Easter Bunny Basket Crochet PatternI rounded up a collection of fabulous DIY Easter baskets the other day, but here is one that you can crochet! And how cute is that bunny!
Easter Bunny Basket Crochet Pattern by Gina Michele

6 | Mr & Mrs Bunny Crochet Basket

Mr & Mrs Bunny Crochet BasketAnd just because you can never have too many Easter baskets… here’s another one! I love this pattern because there’s a Mr and Mrs Rabbit version. Oh and the handles as ears is super clever!
Mr & Mrs Bunny Crochet Basket by Left in Knots

7 | Long Eared Bunny Hat

Long Eared Bunny HatAwwwwww! Did you ever see anything so cute! This bunny hat with it’s long floppy ears is just precious (almost as precious as that little sweet pea model in the picture!) The pattern comes in baby and toddler sizes.
Long Eared Bunny Hat by Make and Do Crew

8 | Doll’s Bunny Hat

Doll's Bunny HatIf you don’t have a sweet baby head to make a hat for this year how about hooking up a hat for your daughter’s doll instead?
Doll’s Bunny Hat by Turtle Keepers

9 | Crochet Hats for Easter Eggs

Crochet Hats for Easter EggsNo doll either? Well you must have eggs right? Either of the edible variety that you need to keep cozy, or those fab wooden eggs so you can use this as mantel decorations! Because all Easter eggs need a cute bunny ears hat right???
Crochet Hats for Easter Eggs by Is Laura

More Crochet Ideas Here

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Loving these bunny rabbit crochet patterns!

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