7 Gorgeous Peacock Weekly Bullet Journal Ideas You Need to See

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Don’t miss these fabulous peacock weekly Bullet Journal Ideas – you’ll want to try all of them we promise!

Wow these peacock bullet journal weeklies are GORGEOUS!

Peacock Weekly Bullet Journal Ideas

Next week why not go all jewel tones and feathers in your bullet journal with a peacock weekly spread?

I’ve found 7 super creative spreads to inspire you, with a mix of doodles, illustrations, watercolors and of course good old stickers and washi tape!

I totally need to do a peacock themed weekly spread in my bullet journal next week!

1 | Create a peacock banner

Create a peacock bannerWow! The peacock illustrations in this banner are stunning! So much color and the perfect way to brighten up your weekly spread!


Create a peacock banner by @isabelhoops

2 | Add some peacocks feathers as accents

Add some peacocks feathers as accentsFor something a little more subtle try adding some watercolor feathers as accents to your weekly spread.


Add some peacocks feathers as accents by @journalbymir

3 | Add peacock flags to each day

Add peacock flags to each dayOr how about adding some peacock “flags” to each day of the week. You could draw them, use your tombows to add watercolor, or use some peacock washi tape!


Add peacock flags to each day by @dutch_dots

4 | Add a heart peacock doodle

Add a heart peacock doodleHow sweet is this little doodle peacock with her heart shaped tail feathers!


Add a heart peacock doodle by @thenorthernplanner

5 | Embrace black and white

Embrace black and whiteWhen we think peacock we think gorgeous jewel colors, but actually, this spread is even more striking because it’s in black and white!


Embrace black and white by @deluxe_journaling

6 | Paint a peacock feather

Paint a peacock featherI think this weekly spread is my favorite, I just love the simplicity of that beautiful watercolor feather.


Paint a peacock feather by @dutch_dots

7 | Use stickers and washi tapes

Use stickers and washi tapesYou don’t have to draw or paint to create a stunning peacock weekly spread in your journal. You could use stickers or washi tape featuring peacocks or jewel colors like this spread.


Use stickers and washi tapes by Blushing Noir

Oh my! Loving these BUJO peacock weeklies!

More Weekly Bullet Journal Ideas to Inspire You

There are so many weekly Bullet Journal Ideas out there we couldn't just stop at one collection. While you're here be sure to check out these other posts.

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