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Bujo weeklies can be as simple or as complex as you want them to be. Let your creative side run free and be inspired by these weekly Bullet Journal Ideas!

Weekly Bullet Journal Spread Ideas
Last week I shared some easy Bullet Journal ideas for beginners to try this year as part of your Bullet Journal set up and that list has gone viral. Today I wanted to bring you some more inspiration with some amazing weekly bullet journal ideas you can use in your own journal.
When I first started my Bullet Journal I followed the official instructions to get started and while I had a functional list of tasks it looked pretty boring.
And then I discovered a whole world of creative people who make their bullet journals much more engaging!
I headed over to Instagram and picked out some of my favorite weekly layouts to inspire you.
Whether you’re trying to decide between horizontal or vertical weekly layouts, or whether you should include journaling, washi tape or even photographs let these ideas inspire you to switch up your own weekly spread next week!
Test out themed weekly spread ideas – like this space theme
You can see your whole week on one page with a spread like this. You can list the days of the week down the side of the page or alternate them with cute icons!
Try out a dutch door
A Dutch Door is a clever way to add extra information into your spread, this example has flight and hotel information for a trip but you could also use it to keep track of your purchases.
Decorate your week number with a wreath
You can bring a bit of color to a simple spread by painting a wreath around your week number with watercolors or Tombow dual brush pens.
Try a vertical layout
For an entire week at a glance try a horizontal weekly spread like this one.
Add some washi tape decorations
If you don’t feel confident with paint or markers you can bring a creative flair to your weekly spread using colorful washi tape.
Include your own artwork in the margin of your page, or decorate it with a stencil.
Document the weather on your weekly spread
Remind yourself of the weather by doodling symbols on your dailies.
Washi tape your margins
A simple weekly spread can be brought to life with washi tape in the margins.
Keep things simple with a weekly one page spread
Use a ruler or a stencil to draw out neat boxes for each day of the week.
Try a top half page layout like this to leave room for notes and tasks
Split your page in half so that you have room at the bottom for your task list or other important reminders for the week.
Here’s another one page weekly spread with a lovely pop of color and doodles
This weekly layout leaves room for your calendar and this week’s events
Here’s another take on that layout
Here’s a clever way to incorporate your habit tracker into your weekly spread
Bring your weekly spread to life with an illustration!
This creative weekly spread has room for gratitude and journal notes too!
Make room on your weekly spread to track your self care goals and habits
Love this festive weekly for the Holiday season!
Combine your weekly spread with your running list
Here’s another idea for a creative weekly spread if you want to leave space to illustrate
Here’s a weekly that includes space for study goals
If you like a geometric style try this weekly
Here’s another layout style that leaves room for decorating and doodling
This one page spread uses gift boxes for each day
Leave room for an inspirational quote
This spread works if you don’t have lots of tasks each day
Or try this if you need lots of room to write things down!
Here’s another way to get the most out of a dutch door
Or try this free flowing style of layout
Embrace your doodles with your weekly spread
Leave room for some mixed media journaling in your weekly spread
Or try this boxed layout
Try this simple style of horizontal weekly spread
Or go crazy with the stickers!
You can combine the stickers with photos or pictures from magazines
Or try a doodle a day
Here’s another way to combine your weekly with your weather and habit trackers
Or make room for doodles, goals, notes and still have plenty of space for your weekly!
If floral is your thing you’ll love this weekly spread!
Or try this if you like to track the weather and the temperature!
More Weekly Bullet Journal Ideas to Inspire You
There are so many weekly Bullet Journal Ideas out there we couldn't just stop at one collection. While you're here be sure to check out these other posts.