Easy Gluten Free Instant Pot Recipes that are Healthy and Delicious!

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Cutting grains from your diet can be overwhelming but these easy gluten free Instant Pot recipes are just what you need to get started. They’re healthy and taste delicious!

These instant pot gluten free recipes are healthy and delicious. From steel oats to thai chicken thighs we have you covered from breakfast through dinner!

Instant Pot Healthy Gluten Free Recipes

Whether you’re switching to a gluten free diet by choice or for medical reasons it can be overwhelming to begin with.

It’s quite likely that the majority of your existing diet includes gluten and the fact is that switching to a restrictive diet takes a little planning.

Your first thought might be to hit up the allergy section of your local supermarket to find some gluten free alternatives to your usual diet.

But prepackaged foods are very expensive, and it takes a lot of trial and error to find something that tastes anywhere close to what you’re used to!

Don’t panic though. There is a way to enjoy gluten free eating, and that’s to make your own dishes from scratch at home.

And thanks to your trusty Instant Pot you won’t have to spend hours in the kitchen either!

Today we’re sharing some easy gluten free Instant Pot recipes to get you started.

They’re all healthy, and delicious, but more importantly they’ll be enjoyed by the whole family so you won’t have to make separate dishes for the person who can’t eat gluten.

Before we get to those though here are some things you need to keep in mind when making gluten free dishes.

Make sure your oats are certified

One easy way to get your day started would be to get some steel cut oats going, since they are gluten free.

But it’s important to know that many companies that produce oats use the same types of equipment to cut wheat, which of course is one of the primary sources of gluten in foods.

Make sure you only buy gluten-free certified oats so that you don’t damage your diet through cross contaminated foods.

Sandwiches don’t have to be made with bread

If you like to tuck into a sandwich at lunch time you might think your only option is to switch to a gluten free bread.

But with a little bit of creativity you’ll soon discover there are many ways to make a sandwich without any bread at all.

Lettuce for example is an excellent wrapper to eat Thai Chicken Thighs fajita style!

Choose Asian food for dinner

One easy way to enjoy gluten-free dinners would be to incorporate Asian foods into your diet.

The majority of these foods tend to be gluten-free because of the vegetable and meat content.

Just make sure that the soy sauce and other soy products you buy are also certified as gluten-free.

These easy gluten free instant pot recipes are healthy and delicious and thanks to your pressure cooker don't take too much effort!

Easy Gluten Free Instant Pot Recipes

These easy gluten free instant pot recipes are healthy and delicious.

More Recipe Ideas Here

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