11 Gorgeous May Bullet Journal Ideas to Inspire You

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Looking for May bullet journal ideas to inspire you? We’ve got the ideas you need as well as plan with me videos you won’t want to miss!

These May bullet journal cover pages are gorgeous! Just the inspiration you need to decide how to welcome May in your own BUJO.

Cute May Bullet Journal Ideas

The great thing about using a Bullet Journal is that if you decide you don’t like how a weekly spread or tracker collection is working out you can use the new month to try something different!

That’s why each month I put together one of these plan-with-me posts, where I share my favorite cover pages for the month as well as some over-the-shoulder YouTube videos to inspire you to try something different!

So here are some cute May Bullet Journal Ideas to inspire you!

Get inspired with these gorgeous cover page ideas for May in your bullet journal!

Bullet Journal Cover Pages for May

Channel your inner mermaid next month with these fabulous free bullet journal May cover page printables! #bulletjournal #printables


If you’re thinking about a mermaid or floral theme for May be sure to get our free May cover page printables!

via @the.whimsical.journal


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via @northernplanner


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via @miyuyora


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via @my.first.bu.jo


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via brietron_art


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via @cherylsbujo


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via @alba_bioartesanendo


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via @artdeern


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via @bujo.newbie_


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via @steph.bujo


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via @bulletjournal.berlin


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Plan with Me – Videos

My favorite part of planning for the new month ahead is to grab an ice-cold soda and binge watch Plan with Me videos on YouTube! Here are some of my favorites for May.

These May bullet journal cover pages are gorgeous! Just the inspiration you need to decide how to welcome May in your own BUJO.


More Bullet Journal Themes

We've got bullet journal themes for every month of the year so you'll never be short of ideas!

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